I peeked...at the computer screen with all my info. about this cycle. Why do these people leave the room with this temptation in plain sight? Do you think they know we peek? I am notorious for touching things I am not supposed to...they have to know there are people like me out there.
So, here is what I found out about my E2 levels:
CD2: 174 (high, yes but I was on estrogen patches...that was the goal)
CD6: 189 (patch wore off so that makes sense)
CD8: 514 (follies starting to grow...they lowered my meds)
CD9: 723 (follies still going strong...they lowered meds again)
I don't know what it was today...I didn't ask but I will peek again tomorrow.
I feel like things are going well. I have about 5 follies around the same size and 4-5 btwn. 8-10. The RE thought I might trigger Wed. or Thurs. TMI but the abundance of CF is aggravating. I feel so gross. I'm definitely close if that is any indication. That was fast,huh?
Off to Manhattan tomorrow with Mom & Dad. I can't drive another day and H has a meeting he can't miss.
Thanks for reading...I'll keep you posted.
I have moved
7 years ago
I didn't have that many follies, but they NEVER left the screen up and left so I could have a look-see...=( Good Luck on to you your ER and ET